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Wood contains a lot of moisture. Even when the wood has been processed into a wooden floor, it still contains a considerable amount of moisture. In addition, wood continuously absorbs moisture from its environment and then releases moisture back into its environment. The wood moisture content is one of the most important properties of a piece of wood.

Water and wood

On the outside this is hardly visible or not visible in the wood itself. Water occurs in wood in two different ways; namely in the cell cavities as free water and within the cell walls as bound water. When fresh wood dries in dry ambient air, the free water first disappears from the cell cavities.

When all free water has disappeared from the wood and only exists in a bound state in the wood, we speak of the fiber saturation point. Only after all the free water has dried from the wood will the bound water from the wood also begin to disappear. However, the bound water from the wood is never completely released into the air, unless you dry the wood in an oven at a temperature higher than 100°C.

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Dry weight of wood

The wood moisture content is the mass of water present, expressed as a percentage of the mass of the absolutely dry wood (dry weight of the wood). By dry weight we mean the weight obtained after drying the wood in an oven at a temperature of 103°C to 105°C until the weight remains constant.

In heavy wood species the wood moisture content of the living tree is lower than in light wood species . In heavy wood species , the cell walls are thicker, leaving less room for water storage.

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Condition and temperature of wood

The moisture content of wood is related to the condition of the air surrounding the wood and its temperature. The amount of moisture in the air is measured in relative humidity (rh). The relative humidity therefore indicates how much water vapor is in the air.

Air can only contain a limited amount of moisture; how much depends on the temperature. Relative humidity indicates how much water vapor the air contains at the prevailing temperature, i.e. how humid it is. A value of 100% means that the air has a maximum amount of water vapor. The air is then saturated.

At a relative humidity of 50%, the air at the prevailing temperature contains half of the maximum possible amount of water vapor. When you expose wood to air with constant relative humidity for a sufficient period of time, it will acquire a moisture content that is in equilibrium with this relative humidity.

We call this the equilibrium moisture content of the wood. The equilibrium moisture content of the wood is not the same for all wood species at the same relative humidity and air temperature.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the wood moisture content?

Wood moisture content refers to the percentage of water in a wood. It is measured as the weight of the water in the wood relative to the dry weight of the wood, multiplied by 100.

Why is the wood moisture content important for a wooden floor?

Wood moisture content is crucial for a wooden floor because wood is a natural material that can expand and contract depending on the humidity levels in the environment. Incorrect wood moisture content can lead to warping, shrinking or expanding of the floorboards, which can lead to problems such as gaps, loose planks and damage to the floor.

What is the ideal wood moisture content for a wooden floor?

The ideal wood moisture content for a wooden floor varies depending on the region and specific conditions, but in general a moisture content of 8% - 12% is considered ideal. This level of moisture content ensures minimal expansion or contraction of the wood under normal environmental conditions.

How can I measure the wood moisture content of my wooden floor?

The wood moisture content can be measured using a wood moisture meter, also called a moisture meter. This device is placed on the surface of the wood and measures the moisture content by electrical resistance. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions when using a wood moisture meter.

What should I do if the wood moisture content of my wooden floor is too high or too low?

If the wood moisture content is too high, it may be necessary to reduce the humidity in the room. This can be achieved by using a dehumidifier or improving ventilation. If the wood moisture content is too low, it may be necessary to increase the humidity through humidifiers or the use of humidifiers.

How can I protect my wooden floor against fluctuations in wood moisture content?

To protect your wooden floor against fluctuations in the wood moisture content, it is important to maintain a stable indoor climate. Ensure a constant humidity and temperature in the room where the floor is located. This can be achieved through the use of humidifiers, dehumidifiers, heating systems or air conditioning, depending on the specific conditions.