Welke Vloer Kiezen Voor Jouw Nieuwbouwwoning?

Datum: 17 februari 2023
Leestijd: 6 minuten
Auteur: Uipkes Houten Vloeren

If you have purchased a new-build home, the floor is often one of the first things you have to decide on. But which type of floor is best to choose for a new-build home?

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Suitable New Construction Floors

  • Wooden floors
  • PVC floors
  • Laminate flooring
  • Tiled floors

Wooden Floors And New Construction

It will not surprise you that we prefer a wooden floor, but in fact this is also the best floor you can buy for a new-build home. A wooden floor offers a number of advantages compared to other types of floors.

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Benefits of Wooden Floors

  • A wooden floor, provided it is made from wood that comes from sustainably managed forests, is more sustainable than other floor types. Wooden floors can last a lifetime. Moreover, wood is a renewable raw material.
  • Unlike a PVC floor (PolyVinyl Chloride), a wooden floor does not contain plastic. When using PVC, questions are increasingly being raised as to whether the material is good for health and the environment. See for example the publication 'The polyvinyl chloride debate: why PVC remains a problematic material” prepared by researchers from HCWH Europe and to which no fewer than 18 leading health and environmental organizations have contributed.
  • Depending on the thickness of the top layer, you can sand and refinish a wooden floor several times, making your floor look like new again. It is even possible to finish the floor in a different color after sanding. Handy, for example, if you want to change the interior style.
  • Each wooden floor part has a unique wood grain. With other PVC floors and laminate, only a few prints are used that you always see in the floor.
  • Engineered wood flooring (a layered wooden floor) can be installed floating, which means a noise reduction of at least 11 decibels can be achieved. A engineered wood floor is therefore a good choice if you live in an apartment where you have to meet noise standards.
  • Engineered wood flooring can be used without any problems with underfloor heating be combined. The floor parts are constructed from a top layer of solid wood and a bottom layer of cross-glued waterproof birch plywood. This limits the swelling and shrinkage of the wood to a minimum and it is even possible to use the floor without skirting boards tightly against the wall.

Request our Inspiration Magazine for free

Get inspiration of wooden floors for your new-build home and request our free inspiration magazine full of examples of beautiful floors. You are also very welcome in one of our showrooms in Amsterdam or Alphen aan den Rijn .

Adviesgesprek bij jou thuis?

PVC Floors

In recent years, PVC floors have become increasingly popular. PVC floors are available in many prints, easy to maintain and relatively cheap to purchase. On the other hand, there are a number of important disadvantages:

  • As previously indicated, PVC floors contain plastic and there are increasingly critical voices about the impact the floors can have on the environment and health.
  • Damage is difficult to repair.
  • The lifespan is limited (about 10 years).
  • If underfloor heating is used incorrectly under the PVC floor, harmful substances can be released and the floor can be damaged.

In short, if you want to furnish your new-build home with a floor that you can enjoy for many years, then a PVC floor may not be the best option.

Laminate Floors

Laminate floors are cheaper than wooden floors and PVC floors. Laminate is made up of a base layer with paper printed on it with a wood drawing. To protect the paper, the floor is finished with a transparent top layer of hard plastic.

The disadvantages of laminate are the same as those of a PVC floor, but a laminate floor is less harmful to the environment. 

Tiled floors

Tile floors generally last a long time and can withstand a beating. In addition, tiles are not sensitive to scratches and wear. On the other hand, the joints between the tiles can become dirty or discolored over time. Natural stone floor tiles are made from a natural raw material, but natural stone is not a renewable raw material.

A tiled floor lasts longer than a PVC or laminate floor. However, it is not possible to repair damage or change the color of the tile floor. If you change the interior and the tiled floor no longer matches or if the floor is significantly damaged, you must replace the tiles.

Inspiratie & Informatie

New construction homes and Underfloor heating

Almost all new-build homes are now equipped with underfloor heating. That is why it is important that the floor you buy can be combined with underfloor heating . All floor types discussed can be installed on underfloor heating .

Uipkes And Project Management

At Uipkes we work a lot with interior architects, both for private assignments and for the business market. If desired, in addition to the wooden floor, we can cover the stair steps with wood, in the same color and with the same installation pattern as the floor.

If underfloor heating has not been installed in your new-build home, we can provide the take care of its construction . At Uipkes you have only one point of contact for your floor and everything that goes with it. That saves you time and money.

Interesting New Construction Projects

Are you looking into purchasing a new-build home, but have not yet found what you were looking for? You may find one of the following projects interesting.

Hyde Park

In Hoofddorp, just below Amsterdam, the ultra-modern Hyde Park city district is being built in phases. The district consists of 3,800 new-build homes, ranging from studio homes, two-, three-, four-, five-room apartments and penthouses.

With boulevards, restaurants, shops and lovely outdoor spaces, it is wonderful to spend time in this beautiful neighborhood. The first homes were completed in 2022, but there are still several homes for sale, more information: hydeparkishere.nl

The Circulation

Do you like the city atmosphere, but also a green living environment? De Omloop in Leeuwesteyn (Utrecht) is definitely something for you. The new construction project consists of 44 townhouses, single-family homes and apartments with a private garden and a large shared courtyard.

The garden is beautifully designed and is not only a nice place for the residents, but also for birds and butterflies. The combination of city life and a green living environment makes De Omloop a unique new construction project. More information: de-omloop.nl.

Boss Almere

A sustainable residential area with its own forest is being built in a beautiful location, near Almere Haven. The plots have an area of ​​at least 1500 m2 and the forest belongs to the owners. If you like peace, space and a green living environment, this is a unique opportunity.

The first villas have now been completed, but there are still homes for sale. More information: boss-overgooi.nl.

Vragen? Kom langs voor advies!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do wood, PVC, laminate and tiles compare in terms of sustainability?

Wood is generally considered a more sustainable choice than PVC, laminate and tiles due to its renewable nature, long lifespan and ability to store CO2. PVC and laminate have certain sustainability advantages, such as relatively long lifespans, but can pose environmental challenges in terms of production and waste disposal. Tiles can be very durable, but production can be energy intensive. It is important to weigh the sustainability characteristics of each material and take into account factors such as renewability, longevity, recycling potential and environmental impact.

How do wood, PVC, laminate and tiles compare in terms of health?

Wood, especially when it comes from sustainably managed sources, can be a healthy choice due to its lack of harmful chemicals and natural air quality. PVC can pose potential health risks due to its emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and plasticizers. Laminate can generally be considered safe, but it is important to check for any harmful substances in the adhesives and coatings used. Tiles are generally a healthy choice because they do not emit VOCs and do not retain allergens. It is advisable to choose materials with low emission levels and that meet health standards.

How do wood, PVC, laminate and tiles compare in terms of maintenance?

Wooden floors require regular maintenance, such as keeping them clean of dirt and dust, and periodic finishing touches such as oiling or varnishing to keep the floor looking brand new again. 

PVC floors are generally easy to maintain with regular vacuuming and occasional mopping. Laminate floors require similar maintenance with regular vacuuming and light damp cleaning. 

Tiles are easy to clean and usually only require regular sweeping and occasional mopping. Maintenance may vary depending on the specific products and finishes used.

How do wood, PVC, laminate and tiles compare in terms of costs?

The cost of wood, PVC, laminate and tiles can vary depending on factors such as quality, finishes, brand and installation costs. 

In general, laminate can be the most affordable option, followed by PVC and tiles. Wood can be more expensive. 

It is important to set a budget and take into account both the initial costs and the lifetime costs of the flooring materials. Wood and tiles last many decades longer, which means they have a high residual value after, for example, 15 years when a home is sold. The final costs per year are much lower than the initially 'cheap' PVC and laminate floors. As a result, wooden floors are mainly used in owner-occupied homes and offices.

How do wood, PVC, laminate and tiles compare in terms of installation?

Wooden floors, PVC floors, laminate floors and tiles each have their own installation requirements and procedures. 

Wood floors can require a little more craftsmanship and experience to install correctly. 

PVC floors and laminate floors often come with click or glue connections that simplify the installation process. Before a PVC floor can be installed, the floor must first be leveled.

Tiles usually require professional installation due to the precise cutting and techniques required. It is advisable to follow the manufacturer's installation instructions and, if necessary, call a flooring specialist for proper installation.

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