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Sustainable wooden floors as a paradigm of integral sustainability

In the pursuit of a more responsible, sustainable living environment, more and more private individuals and professionals are realizing that the choices we make in building materials are of considerable importance. It is in this context that certified wooden floors manifest themselves as an exponent of integral sustainability. This goes beyond simple ecological responsibility; we are talking about a deep commitment on aesthetic, economic, social and ecological levels. 

These wooden floors, often provided with internationally recognized certificates such as FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) or PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification), guarantee that the wood comes from sustainably managed forests. This not only ensures a lower carbon footprint, but also facilitates a circular economy in which sustainable forest management can support timber extraction for multiple generations. 

But the benefits go beyond the forest floor. The advanced production processes are optimized to save energy and raw materials. Modern technologies are used that make it possible to achieve maximum efficiency with minimal energy input. This not only reduces the ecological impact, but can also contribute to the economic efficiency and long-term value of the floor as an investment.

So, when you choose a sustainable wooden floor, you make a choice that resonates on multiple levels of sustainable commitment. You invest in a product that is aesthetically timeless and natural, that is psychologically enriching and that represents a responsible choice for both the environment and for future generations. It's a choice that reflects a thoughtful understanding of the complex ecological and social systems in which we live—a choice that reflects the changing definitions of luxury and comfort in the 21st century.

For the ethically conscious consumer, these sustainable wooden floors represent a symbiosis of responsible luxury and sound science, a marriage of aesthetics and ethics. It is nothing less than a paradigm shift in our approach to sustainable living.

Aesthetic naturalism, natural beauty

Sustainable wooden floors contribute to an organic spatial design that goes beyond superficial aesthetics. They facilitate a biophilic experience, a term borrowed from ecopsychology that refers to people's deep-seated psychological attraction to natural forms and materials. This attraction has proven benefits for both mental and physical well-being and promotes an improved quality of life through sensory richness and emotional connection with the living environment.

Health implications

The choice of wooden floors is not just an aesthetic or environmental decision, but also functions as an important variable in a complex health ecosystem. Wooden floors have intrinsic moisture management properties that help control indoor climate variables, such as humidity, which can have a direct impact on respiratory health. This is especially relevant in light of the increasing prevalence of asthma and allergies. 

In addition, sustainable wood floors resonate with the concept of 'biophilic design', a term that refers to the integration of natural elements into built environments. Several studies have shown that biophilic design elements can have a positive effect on psychological well-being, including stress reduction and increased cognitive performance.

Furthermore, it is important to emphasize that wooden floors, if properly managed and certified, can have lower emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) compared to synthetic flooring materials such as PVC floors. This aspect, often studied in environmental sciences and public health, may contribute to a reduction of the 'sick building syndrome', a syndrome characterized by a series of health complaints related to time spent in buildings with poor air quality.

In an era where healthcare is increasingly shifting towards preventive and integrated models, choosing a sustainable wooden floor offers a multi-dimensional approach that can improve both physical and mental health. It is a choice that reflects a deep understanding of the interactive and interdependent factors that influence our health, an insight that is fully in line with its complexity and nuance.


“Wood” is a circular material because it is renewable, recyclable, biodegradable and versatile and can be used in different applications.

Wood is renewable because it comes from trees that can be replanted and grown again. This makes it a sustainable material source.

In terms of recycling, wood can be reused in various ways. For example, old wood can be converted into new products such as furniture or flooring, or it can be used as fuel for energy production. In addition, wood waste can be converted into wood chips, which can be used to make paper or other products.

Wood is also biodegradable, meaning it can break down naturally without harming the environment. When wood products are no longer needed, they can be composted so they can decompose naturally and return valuable nutrients to the soil.

Finally, wood is versatile and can be used in many different applications. It can be used for construction, furniture, paper and many other products. Because it is so versatile, it can replace less durable materials, such as plastic or metal, in many applications.

In short, wood is a circular material because it is renewable, recyclable, biodegradable and versatile, making it a sustainable material choice


The cellular structure of wood provides excellent thermal insulation properties, resulting in a lower energy consumption requirement for heating and cooling. This energy efficiency is not only an environmental benefit, but also contributes to sustainable urban infrastructure by reducing pressure on electricity grids and fossil fuel reserves.

Sound insulation

The sound deadening properties of sustainable wood can contribute significantly to the overall acoustic comfort of a space, directly impacting mental health and productivity. This is particularly relevant in densely populated areas where noise can be a constant source of stress.

Environmentally friendly

Wood is a renewable and biodegradable raw material. It is one of the most environmentally friendly building materials available. We also use organic linseed oil to finish wooden floors in one of the 90 colors to work.

The 'cradle-to-cradle' life cycle of wooden floors—from sustainable forest management to production with minimal emissions and ultimate degradability—makes it a model example of environmentally friendly material use. This is in stark contrast to many synthetic materials that are energy intensive to produce and end up as non-degradable waste.

Of course with underfloor heating

Wood is an excellent conductor of low temperature heat, making it ideally suited for use with underfloor heating systems. This not only promotes comfort, but also increases the energy efficiency of the heating systems, which means both ecological and economic benefits.

A wooden floor in combination with underfloor heating provides a pleasant warmth and comfortable environment to walk on.

It ensures even heating of the room, without creating air currents that can spread dust and allergens in the air.

Energy efficiency: Underfloor heating operates at a lower temperature than radiators, which can reduce energy consumption. In addition, the heat from the floor helps to warm and maintain the room faster, which also saves energy.

Aesthetics: A wooden floor gives a warm and natural look to the room, making it a popular choice for many interior styles. In addition, the combination of wood and underfloor heating ensures a seamless and sleek finish, without radiators or other heating sources in the way.

Possibilities: European oak is easy to work with and, due to its low resistance and good price/quality ratio, is an ideal wood specie to combine with underfloor heating . Oak floors on underfloor heating can, in addition to the classic plank wooden floors pattern, also be installed in other patterns with smaller floorboards, such as the Chevron pattern floor and the herringbone pattern. At Uipkes you can choose from no fewer than 17 installation patterns, all of which can be combined with underfloor heating .

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Wood and children

Durability: Wood floors are very durable and can last a long time, even with heavy use and wear and tear by children. Wood floors are generally resistant to scratches, dents and stains, making them easier to maintain than other flooring materials.

Hygiene: Wooden floors are easy to clean and maintain, which is especially important in a home with children who often play and crawl on the floor. The surface of a wooden floor is also less porous than other flooring materials, making it less likely to retain dirt and bacteria.

Safety: Wooden floors are slip-resistant and less slippery than other flooring materials, making it less likely for children to slip and fall. In addition, wooden floors are not electrostatic, which means fewer dust particles and allergens float in the air.

Noise reduction: Wooden floors can also help reduce noise pollution, especially compared to other hard flooring materials such as tile or concrete. This can be especially useful in homes with children who love to play and run.

Aesthetics: A wooden floor can add a warm and cozy feel to a home, which can contribute to a cozy and inviting atmosphere for children. Wooden floors are also timeless and can match different interior styles, making it a sustainable choice for the future.

Indoor air quality , Children

Indoor air quality is a crucial aspect of health and well-being, with particular implications for vulnerable groups such as children and infants. Their rapidly developing immune and respiratory systems are particularly sensitive to environmental factors. The choice of flooring material plays an underestimated but significant role in this.

Bio-Based, Wooden Floors

Bio-based wooden floors, often certified by organizations such as FSC and PEFC, have an intrinsic capacity to regulate moisture, which can stabilize the indoor climate and reduce the growth of mold and the presence of allergens. This is especially important for children and infants, whose respiratory systems and immune responses are still developing. Additionally, well-maintained wood floors tend to have lower volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions compared to many synthetic materials.

Synthetic such as PVC Floors

Unlike bio-based wood, PVC floors are made from oil-based raw materials and can emit higher levels of VOCs and other toxic substances such as phthalates. These substances can accumulate in indoor air and pose potential health risks forms, such as hormonal disruptions and respiratory problems, which is extra worrying for the health of children and babies, because organs such as the liver and kidneys that have to process the substances are far from developed

 Impact of Heating

The thermal properties of these flooring materials also differ significantly, especially when exposed to direct sunlight or underfloor heating up to 60 degrees. Wood has the natural property of insulating heat, which can contribute to a more stable indoor climate. Synthetic PVC floors, on the other hand, can emit more VOCs and other harmful substances when heated, further deteriorating indoor air quality.

In light of these considerations, it becomes clear that the choice of flooring material is a complex but crucial factor in creating a healthy living environment, especially for children and babies. For those seeking to understand these issues on a deep level, bio-based wood flooring offers a superior option that promotes well-being on both a physical and psychological level, while aligning with the principles of sustainability and environmental responsibility.

In short, a wooden floor offers several benefits for families with children, including durability, hygiene, safety, sound insulation and aesthetics, the use of wood in the home can provide a healthy, sustainable and beautiful living environment.

Wood and animal

Durability: Wood floors are more durable and resistant to scratches, dents and stains compared to other floor types, making them more resistant to the daily wear and tear of pets.

Easy to Clean: Wooden floors are easy to clean and maintain, which is especially helpful if you have pets. Stains and dirt can be easily removed with a simple sweep or light mopping.

Allergy Friendly: Wooden floors are a better choice for pets with allergies. Unlike carpets or other flooring types that trap dust, dirt and other allergens, wood floors are easier to clean and more allergy friendly.

No odors: Wooden floors are less likely to retain pet odors, resulting in a fresher and healthier indoor environment for both pets and their owners.

In summary, wooden floors offer an exceptional range of sustainability benefits resulting in a holistic profile of aesthetic, economic, environmental and social sustainability. For the conscious consumer, they represent a sensible and ethical choice.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main difference between wooden and plastic floors?

Wooden bio-based floors are made from natural materials that come from sustainably managed forests. These floors are environmentally friendly because they are renewable and can contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions. Wooden bio-based floors have a warm appearance and can have different finishes, including natural linseed oil.

Plastic oil-based floors, on the other hand, are made from petroleum products, such as PVC (polyvinyl chloride) or vinyl. These floors are not renewable and generally have a higher environmental impact compared to bio-based floors.

What are sustainable wooden floors?

  • Wood source: Sustainable wood floors are produced with wood that comes from sustainably managed forests. This means that the wood is harvested in a way that takes into account the conservation of biodiversity, the protection of endangered species, the conservation of water resources and the minimization of deforestation.
  • Certification: Wooden floors can be certified by recognized bodies such as the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or the Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). These certifications guarantee that the wood comes from sustainably managed forests and that it meets strict environmental and social standards.
  • Origin transparency: Sustainable wooden floors come from sources where the origin of the wood is traceable. This means that the entire supply chain, from forest to floor, is transparent and the legal and sustainable origin of the wood can be verified.
  • Environmentally friendly finish: Sustainable wooden floors are treated with environmentally friendly finishes, such as water-based lacquers or oils based on natural ingredients. These finishes typically contain fewer harmful chemicals and have a lower environmental impact.
  • Longevity and maintenance: A durable wooden floor is designed to last and requires minimal maintenance. The use of high-quality wood and sustainable construction methods ensures a strong and durable floor that can withstand wear and tear and long-term use.

Choosing a sustainable wooden floor contributes to the conservation of forests and reducing negative environmental impact. It is important to pay attention to certifications and/or the origin of the wood when choosing a sustainable wooden floor. This generally concerns responsible wood that comes from Europe. 

What is sustainability?

Sustainability refers to the practice of maintaining a balanced relationship between the environment, society and the economy so that the needs of the current generation are met. This without endangering the possibilities of future generations and to meet their needs. It includes striving for a balanced and responsible use of natural resources, minimizing negative environmental impacts and promoting social justice.

Sustainability means being aware of the impact of our actions on the environment and society, and pursuing practices that minimize this impact. This can include reducing waste and pollution, using natural resources efficiently, protecting biodiversity, promoting social equality and taking responsibility for the consequences of our actions.

The pursuit of sustainability is essential to maintain a livable and healthy planet for current and future generations. It requires collaboration between individuals, businesses, governments and other stakeholders to create positive change and promote sustainable practices in all aspects of life, including the construction sector, food production, energy supply, transportation and more.

What is the indoor air quality?

Indoor air quality refers to the quality of the air we breathe in enclosed spaces such as homes, offices and other buildings. It covers various aspects such as the presence of pollutants, humidity, temperature and ventilation.

Major pollutants can come from sources such as cigarette smoke, household cleaners, exhaust fumes, building materials, mold, pollen and pets. These substances can negatively affect air quality and cause health problems such as respiratory irritation, allergies, asthma and other respiratory problems.

Humidity and temperature are also important factors. Too high humidity can lead to mold and bacterial growth, while too low humidity can lead to dry skin, cracked lips and respiratory irritation. Uncomfortable temperatures can also negatively impact people's well-being and productivity.

Good ventilation is essential for maintaining good indoor air quality. It ensures the removal of contaminated air and the supply of fresh outside air. A lack of ventilation can lead to a build-up of pollutants and deterioration of air quality.

To improve indoor air quality, measures can be taken such as regular ventilation by opening windows and doors, using air purifiers or air purifying plants, avoiding the use of harmful chemicals and regularly cleaning surfaces to prevent the accumulation of dust and reduce allergens.

What does environmentally friendly mean?

Environmentally friendly refers to activities, products or practices that cause minimal damage to the environment and promote sustainability. It includes measures aimed at conserving natural resources, reducing pollution and minimizing negative impacts on ecosystems and the climate.

Some characteristics of environmentally friendly initiatives include:

  • Sustainability: Environmentally friendly approaches aim to ensure the long-term viability of natural resources. This includes reducing excessive use of non-renewable resources and promoting renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy.
  • Pollution Reduction: Environmentally friendly practices aim to minimize harmful emissions and limit the impact on air, water and soil. This can be achieved through the use of cleaner energy sources, waste management and reducing harmful emissions from production processes.
  • Protection of ecosystems: Environmental friendliness takes into account biodiversity and the conservation of ecosystems. This includes avoiding harmful land use practices, preserving natural habitats and protecting endangered species.
  • Recycling and reuse: Promoting recycling and reuse of materials is an important aspect of environmental friendliness. Reducing waste by reusing and recycling materials reduces the need for new raw materials and reduces the amount of waste going to landfills.
  • Awareness and education: Being environmentally friendly also includes increasing awareness and understanding of environmental issues. It's about informing and involving people in sustainable practices so they can make informed choices that benefit the environment.

In general, environmental stewardship aims to maintain a balance between human activities and the natural environment, with the aim of ensuring the health and well-being of both current and future generations.