Diagonaal Patroon

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The Diagonal Pattern

A diagonal pattern refers to a design or arrangement in which lines, shapes, or elements are oriented diagonally across a surface. Diagonal patterns are a common and versatile design choice and are used in a variety of areas for aesthetic, functional or artistic purposes.

Diagonaal patroon in kunst en design

In de beeldende kunst en design worden diagonale lijnen gebruikt om dynamische composities te creëren. Diagonale patronen kunnen het oog van de kijker leiden, beweging toevoegen en een gevoel van energie creëren. Kunstenaars kunnen diagonale elementen gebruiken in schilderijen, tekeningen en grafisch ontwerp.

  • Diagonaal Patroon Paneel Tekening

Diagonaal Patroon in Architectuur en Interieur Ontwerp

Diagonale patronen kunnen worden geïntegreerd in architectonisch en interieurontwerp. Diagonale lijnen in vloeren, tegels of architecturale elementen kunnen de perceptie van ruimte beïnvloeden, visuele interesse creëren en een modern tintje aan ontwerpen toevoegen.

Het getoonde Diagonaal Patroon is een paneel met een rand waarbinnen planken diagonaal geplaatst zijn.

Visgraat vloer op vloerverwarming in een prachtig interieur

Underfloor heating and wooden floors

Installing Underfloor heating under a wooden floor in an exclusive installation pattern is possible. Various underfloor heating systems are possible and we can also install these for you.

Vloerverwarming en houten vloer

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Visgraat houten vloer gelegd in keuken


This unique pattern adds a touch of sophistication to any space, be it a living room, kitchen, bathroom or apartment. The versatility of this Diagonal pattern makes it possible to create a seamless flow of style, enveloping any space in an aura of timeless beauty.

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Thuis advies op maat?

Visgraat eiken vloer gelegd in de eetkamer van een appartement. Verlijmd op een kurk ondervloer.


Durability is one of the important properties of wooden floors. This is reflected in our ecologically responsible wooden floors from sustainably managed forests. Manufactured with care for people and the environment, our biologically based floors offer a lifespan of decades. The floors therefore contribute to a more sustainable future.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can diagonal patterns in art and design contribute to dynamic compositions?

Diagonal lines in art and design, as used in paintings, drawings and graphic design, can contribute to dynamic compositions by guiding the viewer's eye, adding movement and creating a sense of energy.

What is the advantage of using diagonal patterned panels for architecture and interior design?

Floors have a major impact on the experience of a space. They can influence the perception of space, create visual interest and add a modern touch to designs.

Diagonal lines are associated with a sense of movement and direction. This quality makes diagonal patterns suitable for conveying a sense of progress, energy or dynamism. Diagonal lines in floors can enhance the impression of movement and energy in a room.

Is it possible to install underfloor heating under a wooden floor with a diagonal pattern?

Yes, it is possible to install underfloor heating under a wooden floor with a diagonal pattern. You can choose from various underfloor heating systems.