Eiken Vloeren

Eiken vloeren kunnen in diverse patronen worden gelegd, waaronder de visgraat
Eiken vloer gelegd in het elleboog patroon door Uipkes
Eiken vloer in visgraatpatroon in een appartement te Blaricum

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Centuries of Trusted Oak

In the Netherlands, oak is by far the most popular wood specie for a wooden floor. Oak wood has an excellent price/quality ratio and a natural, timeless appearance. In addition, the strength, hardness and workability of oak wood are good, which means there are many finishing options. Oak floors can be easily combined with different interior styles and various types of homes.

Eikenhout In Al zijn Pracht

Onze eiken houten vloeren bieden veelzijdigheid, van noestvrij tot met karakteristieke noesten. Kies uit brede of smalle planken, en diverse patronen zoals Hongaarse punt en visgraatvloeren. Eikenhout laat zich moeiteloos kleuren. Kom voor deskundig advies naar onze showroom of vraag ons magazine aan met 108 pagina's aan inspiratie en informatie!

  • Houten Vloer Romantisch Wit  Rustiek Frans Eiken  24 cm Vincent

    Oak floor - Romantic White - Rustic French oak - 24 Cm €119,-

    see product 
  • Rustiek A Hongaarse Punt Vloer Mondriaan Wit - 12/60 cm - 60 graden

    Chevron Pattern Floor Mondriaan white - Rustic A - 12/60 cm € 146,-

    see product 
  • Houten Vloer Koraal Wit  Rustiek Frans Eiken  22 cm Floortje

    Oak Floor Coral White - Rustic - 22 cm - floor € 100,-

    see product 
  • Rustiek A Visgraat Vloer Champagne Vincent 14/70 cm

    Oak herringbone floor - Champagne - rustic a - 14/70 cm € 134,-

    see product 
De donkere eiken vloer met brede planken is gelegd in een kantoorpand in Amsterdam

Why is oak a popular type of wood

  1. With its natural and timeless appearance, oak fits perfectly with various interior styles and home types.

  2. Thanks to the low RC value of 0.088, oak floors from Uipkes can be easily combined with underfloor heating .

  3. The robustness and hardness of oak wood make it suitable for both engineered wood floor and solid wooden floors.

  4. Oak wood is easy to work with, making it suitable for all kinds of installation patterns and floor panels .

  5. Unlike tropical hardwood, oak floors from sustainable European forests can be delivered faster.

  6. An oak floor is considerably cheaper than floors made of other wood species .

What is a Solid Oak Floor?

A solid oak floor is the traditional variant of an oak parquet floor, which is composed entirely of one layer of oak wood. Engineered wood flooring is the modern version of a parquet floor and contains a top layer of solid oak and a bottom layer of birch plywood. For an extra traditional look, you can glue and nail the solid oak floors. This is called a tapestry floor. 

The big advantage of these floors is that they can last for several generations and can be sanded and/or oiled several times. These oak floors are extremely strong and very suitable for high-traffic areas, such as living rooms, offices and shops.

If you are looking for a wear-resistant floor for heavy commercial applications, you can also opt for an end-grain oak floor, which consists of solid oak blocks from the transverse direction of the trunk, with the annual rings of the trunk visible in each block.

View more floors in different rooms and homes by requesting our free magazine.

Solid oak wood or an oak engineered floor?

These traditional oak parquet floors also have several disadvantages. A solid wooden floor consists of one thick layer of wood and is therefore a lot more expensive than engineered wood floor , which only has a top layer of solid wood. Add to this the increase in wood prices over the past year, and you will soon discover that solid wood requires a significant investment.

Another disadvantage is that solid oak floors are difficult to combine with underfloor heating . The efficiency of a solid floor with underfloor heating is (too) low and that is why we always recommend choosing engineered wood floor , which is ideally suited for this combination. This makes a significant difference in effectiveness and final costs.

Finish Oak Floors

At Uipkes everything regarding installing your own custom floor is possible.

For example, we know that customers are regularly looking for beautiful smoked oak floors, natural oiled oak floors or floors that have to be installed in a difficult shape.

Oak wood is easy to work with and can be sanded, brushed, varnished, oiled or smoked. The possibilities are endless. As wooden floors specialist Uipkes can meet all wishes when it comes to oak floors. Everything is custom made, sanded and colored in our own traditional planing mill.

We can even install the underfloor heating for you or cover your stairs with solid oak steps in the same color like your floor.

We work for both private individuals and architectural firms and are happy to help you achieve the best results.

Maintenance of Oak Floors

Use the mop as often as you like to clean the oak floor; You maintain your oak floor if you mop the floor with the soap that we have supplied with your floor.

We will explain and show you how to measure the humidity in the room of your floor and we will also give you a hygrometer as a gift, so that you can check whether the relative humidity (RH) is correct. It's that simple!

In what pattern can you install an oak floor?

Our oak floors are available in different installation patterns:

In combination with the wide range of colors, the possibilities to furnish your home or office according to your wishes are endless!

Bezoek de showroom

  • Rustiek A Hongaarse Punt Vloer Adel Zwart - 14/70 cm - 45 graden

    Oak Chevron Pattern Floor - Noble Black - Rustic A - 14/70 Cm €151,-

    see product 
  • Houten Vloer Sienna  Rustiek Frans Eiken  22 cm Vincent

    Wooden Floor Sienna - Rustic French Oak - 22 cm € 116,-

    see product 
  • Houten Vloer Donker Grijs  Rustiek A  18 cm Vincent

    Oak Floor - Dark Grey - Rustic A - 18 cm € 123,-

    see product 
  • Rustiek A Visgraat Vloer Sienna Vincent 14/70 cm

    Herringbone floor oak - Sienna - Rustic a - 14/70 cm € 134,-

    see product 

Sustainable European Oak

Uipkes places high demands on employees and wood products. We only invest in products that are produced in an ecologically responsible manner and are of sustainable quality. This means that we use wood that comes from demonstrably sustainably managed forests, mainly in Europe.

Quality Of Oak Wood

When a forest is managed sustainably, trees are used selectively: only those oaks that are actually useful for applications such as floor planks are chosen. New trees are replaced and seedlings are given the opportunity to strengthen the production forest again.

The better the quality and management of the forest, the better the quality of the oak from which the floorboards are produced.

Much oak on the Dutch market comes from low-wage countries such as China, where less strict rules apply regarding forest management and the quality of the oak product.

Consider: use of sapwood (soft) in top layers, oak planks from various parts of the world (homogeneity and consistency of quality), deviations in product specifications, (too) fast drying time and/or growth time, which can cause oak planks to become weak and unstable and last less long.

Uipkes chooses European oak of the highest quality. A beautiful oak floor from Uipkes will last a lifetime! A wooden floor is therefore a sustainable investment in your home and contributes greatly to a warm and pleasant living experience.

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Schaverij van eikenhout

Alle houten vloerdelen die wij leveren worden in een ambachtelijke schaverij in Nederland geproduceerd. Wij kopen het duurzaam geproduceerde ruwe eikenhout gezaagd en gedroogd in bij vaste leveranciers in Nederland en België.

Voordat we de houtbewerking starten, controleren we of het aangeleverde hout de juiste kwaliteit heeft om tot een hoogwaardige vloer verwerkt te worden. Indien we tevreden zijn over de kwaliteit, starten we vervolgens de houtbewerking procedure, waarbij planken op maat gezaagd en gekleurd worden.

De kleuren van Uipkes

Op basis van 1200 gekleurde houtstalen, die 6 maanden in het zonlicht hebben gelegen, hebben we uiteindelijk een collectie van 90 kleuren gemaakt. Omdat we werken met natuurlijke materialen hebben we geen UV blockers toegevoegd om zo tot de meest natuurlijke uitstraling te komen.

Deze aardse en natuurlijk zachte tinten op basis van 100% natuurlijke lijnzaadolie zijn door Uipkes zelf ontwikkeld en alle kleurbehandelingen voeren we zelf uit. Ieder vloerdeel krijgt 2 tot 7 behandelingen om tot de unieke kleur te komen. Voor projectvloeren kunnen we zelfs alle RAL kleuren op maat maken.

Eikenhouten vloer kopen?

Bekijk hieronder een aantal voorbeelden van eiken vloeren en de prijs per m2 inclusief kleurafwerking en BTW. De prijs per m2 is afhankelijk van het gekozen type hout, het legpatroon, de kleur, de plankbreedte en -dikte. Voor meer praktijkvoorbeelden kun je foto's bekijken van vloeren gelegd door Uipkes.

Uipkes is een familiebedrijf dat al ruim 25 jaar gespecialiseerd is in het vervaardigen, leveren en leggen van duurzame maatwerk houten vloeren, gemaakt van hout uit duurzaam beheerde bossen in Europa.

Je kunt kiezen uit maar liefst 45 exclusieve patronen en 90 zelf ontwikkelde kleuren. Combineer jouw houten vloer met vloerkoeling of vloerverwarming, en geniet van een complete installatieservice van Uipkes.

Wil je een houten vloer kopen en meer weten over de mogelijkheden, legpatronen, prijzen of kleuren? Maak dan een afspraak of kom langs in onze showrooms in Alphen aan den Rijn en Amsterdam voor maatwerk advies. Daar kun je eiken vloeren in verschillende legpatronen en kleuren zien en ervaren!

Na je bezoek aan de showroom, krijg je een vrijblijvend advies toegestuurd met alle besproken zaken en kosten voor een nieuwe houten vloer voor jouw woonruimte of kantoor.

Europees Eiken Planken Vloeren

Plankformaat Dikte Prijs incl. afwerking + BTW (m2)
18 cm Rustiek Frans Eiken 3 mm toplaag, 12mm totaal € 96,00
20 cm Rustiek Frans Eiken 3 mm toplaag, 12mm totaal € 100,00
22 cm Rustiek Frans Eiken 3 mm toplaag, 12mm totaal € 115,00
24 cm Rustiek Frans Eiken 3 mm toplaag, 12mm totaal € 119,00
26 cm Rustiek Frans Eiken 3 mm toplaag, 12mm totaal € 125,00

Europees Eiken Visgraat Vloeren

Plankformaat Dikte Prijs incl. afwerking + BTW (m2)
9x45 cm Rustiek A 4 mm toplaag, 16mm totaal € 131,00
12x60 cm Rustiek A 4 mm toplaag, 16mm totaal € 131,00
14x70 cm Rustiek A 4mm toplaag, 16mm totaal € 134,00
16x80 cm Rustiek A 4 mm toplaag, 16mm totaal € 147,00
18x90 cm Rustiek A 4 mm toplaag, 16mm totaal € 151,00
20x100 cm Rustiek A 4 mm toplaag, 16mm totaal € 177,00
22x110 cm Rustiek A 4 mm toplaag, 16mm totaal € 181,00
24x110 cm Rustiek A 4 mm toplaag, 16mm totaal € 186,00
26x110 cm Rustiek A 4 mm toplaag, 16mm totaal € 191,00

Europees Eiken Hongaarse Punt Vloeren

Plankformaat Dikte Prijs incl. afwerking + BTW (m2)
12x60 cm Rustiek A 3 mm toplaag, 12mm totaal € 146,00
14x70 cm Rustiek A 3 mm toplaag, 12mm totaal € 151,00
16x80 cm Rustiek A 3 mm toplaag, 12mm totaal € 154,00
18x90 cm Rustiek A 3 mm toplaag, 12mm totaal € 158,00

  • Hongaarse punt en visgraat vloerdelen hebben vergelijkbare formaten, maar de Hongaarse punt vloerdelen moeten eerst bewerkt worden om het legpatroon te kunnen vormen.
  • Eiken vloeren in andere plankformaten kunnen op verzoek vervaardigd worden. Houten vloeren kunnen t/m 30 cm breed op vloerverwarming geplaatst worden.
  • Daarnaast bieden we ook exclusieve houten vloeren panelen aan die vaak bestaan uit plankformaten met bijzondere afmetingen of vormen.

  • Houten Vloer Leembruin  Frans Eiken  18 cm Floortje

    Oak floor - Loam Brown - French Oak - 18 Cm €117,-

    see product 
  • Frans Eiken Visgraat Vloer Gitzwart Vincent 16/80 cm

    Herringbone floor - Jet Black - French Oak - 16/80 cm € 159,-

    see product 
  • Houten Vloer Hemels Grijs  Rustiek A  26 cm Vincent

    Oak plank floors - Sky gray - Rustic A - 26 cm € 154,-

    see product 
  • Frans Eiken Hongaarse Punt Vloer Bloesem Wit - 12/60 cm - 45 graden

    Chevron pattern floor oak - Blossom White - Rustic a - 12/60 cm € 166,-

    see product 
Frans eikenhout in houtsortering rustiek, een sortering met karakter.

Rustic French Oak

Floors made of rustic French oak, which have been treated with a natural oil, give the home a contemporary, but at the same time a neutral character. We can supply this oak floor in dozens of different colors, such as smoked, smoked white or natural or even many black colors. This way you can always choose a color that best suits the design and atmosphere of your living environment.

Technical details
Eikenhout in sortering rustiek a, een combinatie van rust en karakter

Rustic A

Rustic A floors consist of a combination of the tranquility of French Oak and the character of Rustic French Oak. However, the knots are smaller than the Rustic grading, and larger than the quietest grading.

Technical details
Uiterlijk van Frans eiken vloerdelen

French Oak

French oak floors consist of a quiet wood specie whose structure is characterized by the flame pattern in the wood. The so-called cat's paws (small tassels) are characteristic of French oak floors. The quality is quieter compared to the rustic quality, because fewer and smaller knots are allowed.

Technical details
  • De showroom van Uipkes Houten Vloeren in Alphen a/d Rijn is de toonzaal voor vele houten vloeren.

    Uipkes Wood Flooring Alphen aan den Rijn

    T. +31(0)172-477355

    Euromarkt 113, 2408 BD

    Alphen a/d Rijn 
  • Houten vloeren showroom in Amsterdam

    Uipkes Wood Flooring Amsterdam

    T. +31(0)20-4700777

    Roelof Hartstraat 4, 1071 VH


Frequently Asked Questions

Is oak a sustainable wood specie ?

Oak wood is considered a sustainable wood specie . It is sturdy, durable and can last for decades. In addition, oak is often grown in sustainably managed forests.

Can I easily color oak floors?

Yes, oak wood is very suitable forcoloring. It absorbs stains and finishes well, allowing you to finish the floor in different shades to match your decor

What are the good properties of an oak floor?

  • Durability: Oak wood is known for its durability and wear resistance. It is a hard wood specie that can withstand daily use and stands the test of time. A properly installed and maintained oak floor can last for decades.
  • Aesthetic appeal: Oak wood has a natural beauty and warmth that appeals to many people. It has a beautiful, characteristic grain structure and a wide range of shades, ranging from light to dark. These properties make oak suitable for different interior styles.
  • Versatility: Oak is a versatile wood specie that can easily be adapted to different finishes and colors. It can be sanded, stained or colored to meet specific aesthetic preferences.
  • Stability: Oak wood has good dimensional stability, meaning it is less susceptible to shrinking, expanding or deforming due to changes in humidity and temperature. This makes it suitable for different climatic conditions and applications.
  • Easy to work with: Oak wood is relatively easy to work with and install. It can be sawn, sanded and drilled without much difficulty, which is useful during the installation process.
  • Compatibility with finishes: oak responds well to various finishes, such as lacquers, oils and waxes. This gives the opportunity to protect the floor and create the desired appearance, such as a glossy or matte finish.
  • Increasing the value of the house: an oak floor can increase the value of a house. It is considered an attractive feature for potential buyers and can have a positive effect on the marketability and price of the property.

It is important to know that the properties of an oak wood floor can vary depending on the quality of the wood, the installation method and maintenance. When purchasing an oak floor, it is advisable to pay attention to the quality of the wood and ensure that installation and maintenance are carried out according to the correct guidelines.

What is the lifespan of oak floors?

The lifespan of an oak floor can vary depending on various factors such as the quality of the wood, the installation method, maintenance and use of the floor. In general, a properly installed and well-maintained oak floor can last for decades.

Oak is a hard and durable wood specie , meaning it can withstand wear and tear and daily use. With proper care and maintenance, an oak floor can last for generations. Regular cleaning, moisture protection and periodic maintenance such as reapplying finishes can extend the lifespan and keep the floor in good condition.

It is important to note that the lifespan of an oak floor can also be affected by the use and conditions of the room in which it is installed. For example, heavy traffic, heavy furniture or exposure to humid conditions can accelerate wear and shorten service life.

In general, an oak floor can easily last for decades or more if it is properly cared for and maintained. It is advisable to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for the maintenance of the specific oak floor and follow any recommendations from professional flooring specialists to maximize the life of the floor.

Can an oak floor be used on underfloor heating ?

Yes, an oak floor can be applied to underfloor heating and cooling, but there are some important considerations to take into account.

Underfloor heating: When installing an oak floor over underfloor heating , it is important to choose a suitable installation method and wood thickness. The wood must be able to conduct the heat from the underfloor heating well to ensure efficient heat transfer. It is therefore usually recommended to use a multi-layer parquet floor (also called engineered wood flooring) instead of solid wood, because it is more resistant to temperature fluctuations. It is also important to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for installation and the maximum temperature that is safe for the floor.

Floor cooling: Applying an oak floor to floor cooling systems is also possible, but it requires specific points of attention. Oak wood tends to expand and contract slightly with temperature changes, and underfloor cooling can enhance this movement. It is important to maintain a suitable humidity level in the room to prevent unwanted shrinkage or cracking of the wood. Using a multi-layer parquet floor with suitable construction can also help minimize the impact of temperature differences.

It is always advisable to seek advice from a professional flooring specialist and follow the manufacturer's specific guidelines and recommendations when installing an oak floor over underfloor heating or underfloor cooling. This helps ensure that the floor is installed correctly and that its performance and durability are optimized in combination with the heating system.